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How to Win at IAM AMERICA 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to IAM America! To maximize your chances of winning, it’s important to follow these instructions carefully.

Step 1: Acquiring the Paid Admission Ticket
Ensure you have a paid admission ticket for the event. Upon verification of your GA ticket purchase at the entrance, you will receive an official IAM America ticket with a unique stub ID number that matches your admission ticket. Please keep your ticket safe and accessible.

Step 2: Arriving at the Event
Please arrive at the event venue on time—doors open at 12 PM sharp. Early arrival is highly recommended. To qualify for the 1st giveaway, ensure you are inside the venue by 1:00 PM (drawing starts at 1:15 PM). Any GA ticket entry after 1:00 PM will be entered into the 2nd giveaway at 2 PM (drawing starts at 2:15 PM). This process will continue throughout the day, with the final giveaway at 6:00 PM. The earlier you arrive, the more chances you’ll have to win a top-tier prize in our hourly giveaways!

Step 3: Hold on to Your Admission Ticket
As you enter the event, the organizers will collect the stub portion of your admission ticket. This stub will have a unique ID number that corresponds to your admission ticket. Hold on to your admission ticket, as it will be your key to winning a prize.

Step 4: Paying Attention to Announcements
Throughout the event, pay close attention to any announcements made by the event organizers. They will periodically announce a stub ID number. It’s important to listen carefully and be on the lookout for your number.

Step 5: Claiming Your Prize
Once your stub ID number is announced, you have a window of 5 minutes to claim your prize. Make your way to the designated claiming area: (Stage or Merchandise booth) as quickly as possible. Present your stub ID number to the event staff to verify your win and collect your prize.  Attendees must be present & inside the event venue in order to claim your prize, this is very important!

Step 6: Unclaimed Prizes
If a stub ID number is announced, but the prize isn’t claimed within the 5-minute timeframe, The organizers will draw a new stub ID number and announce it. This process will continue until the prize(s) are successfully claimed.

Step 7: Reviewing the Terms and Conditions
Before attending the event, carefully read and understand the full terms and conditions of participation. This will ensure that you meet all the requirements and are aware of any specific rules that might affect your eligibility to win.  We are not responsible for any lost tickets.

By following these steps and paying attention to the event proceedings, you’ll be in a prime position to win a prize. Remember, patience and attentiveness are key. Enjoy the event, and best of luck!

*Terms & Conditions Apply*